Welcome to the wonderful, challenging world of relationship communication!

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Hi, I’m Sharon Rose Gibson. The purpose of this site is to share with you, communication tools that will help you develop conflict resolution skills and move from conflict to peace in your relationships. Also, you will learn insights that will give you favor in your relationships.

Relationship Communication and conflict resolution fascinates me. I have spent many years reading, learning and  practicing communication skills. I’ve also made and continue to make mistakes and learn from them!

A basic human desire is to know and to be known, to be accepted and understood. We were created to have relationship with God and with each other. And yet its common to get hurt, stuck and alienated from each other. The problem with this kind of separation is that we miss out on all that person has to give us and they miss out on all we have to give them.

There are tools that can bring about reconciliation and help us work through our issues so we can enjoy the benefits of peaceful relationships. Think of it like a tool box. Everyone already has some communication tools. The more tools you have, the more flexibility you have in a variety of situations. This webblog will give you more tools.

Bookmark this site and refer back to it. The tips will help you when you have conflicts and remind you of what you need to know to be successful in your relationships.

Adapt these principles to fit your personality and the people you relate to. We are all unique individuals so take that fact into consideration.

Conflict is usually scary and we want to run away from it rather than toward it. However, when you are equipped with more understanding of how to resolve conflicts, they will be less frightening. Keep your eyes on the rewards of addressing issues. Once you work through conflicts with others, amazing things happen. You experience more closeness and a greater sense of security in the relationship.

Share with me what works for you and what doesn’t and those situations may spur an additional post. Also, share your challenges and questions. I want this to be an interactive journey. We can learn from each other.

Let’s grow together!









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